Undertaking some or all of the following tips will reduce your Commercial Insurance Costs. Start today to reduce your insurance premium, increase/correct your cover and ensure maximum claim benefit thereafter.
1. Make sure your business description adequately reflects all the activities of your business. In the event of a claim, one of the first areas reviewed is the business description to ensure that the activity giving rise to the claim falls within the scope of your business description.
2. Calculate your property and business interruption sums insured accurately. Nearly all property insurance policies have an under insurance clause in them. If you do not have adequate sums insured this clause will apply and any claim will be reduced proportionately.
3. Clarify the exact construction of your property from the walls, floor, internal floors and roof. If there are any double skin / cladding panels in either the external or internal building, insurers require to know the infill of these. Find out the age, when it was last re-wired , re-roofed, re-plumbed. People often describe their building as standard construction and this is a vague term and in the event of a claim can invariably cause issues.
4. One of the main rating factors for property is the fire risk. Find out what minimises your risk and ensure the broker quoting has been given all the information i.e. sprinklers systems, alarms, water tanks, proximity of nearest fire brigade, number of fire extinguishers and/or hose reels.
5. If you invest in Health & Safety over and above require by law, make sure your current or potential insurance provider knows about it.Advise them of the training procedures, induction procedures etc that you have in place. It will help show any prospective insurer that you take your risk seriously and actively try to minimise any possible exposures.
6. Advise any prospective insurer of the Territorial Limits required, i.e. where in the world both your products are used and/or your employees are involved in work. Many policies only give Territorial Limits for Ireland and Ireland/U.K only unless required otherwise. Any activity outside of this needs to be advised to insurers to ensure the relevant extensions are provided.
7. Know your exact claims history. Give detailed explanations of each claim describing the circumstances, date of event of the claim and any changes you have made since to minimise a similar claim re-occurring.