The main questions Arvo encounter when we meet potential customers are:

  • EFFECTIVENESS IN OUTCOME: What does good look like? Are we effective? What are the best practices and where can we improve? What would the benefits be if we invest in these improvements? What are the risks if we do not invest? How do we compare to similar Procurement Teams?
  • EFFICIENCY IN PROCESS: Are we efficient in everything we do? Can we work smarter, faster, better, cheaper? Where can we become leaner?
  • SKILLED FOR IMPACT: Do we have the right skill-set for the growth of our business? Do my team require new learning and development opportunities?

Other customers also ask more direct questions for support:

  • I might have the expertise but I do not have the time. I might have the time but I do not have the expertise.
  • I just need help to get better costs, quality, service, flexibility, innovation, but I do not know where to start.
  • There is too much happening, what is my priority?
  • I know my team is working hard but I do not know if they are working smart. Can I measure the improvements when we invest in them?

Ultimately, these questions always come back to the 5 key pillars that support sustainable growth: trusted people, efficient process, procurement strategy, fit for purpose use of technology, empowering knowledge.

Within Arvo’s Procurement Reviews, we benchmark the People, Process, Knowledge, Technology and Culture. We have answered the above questions for many clients.


We spend time with our customers to understand their business and specific challenges and where they want to be in 3 to 5 years’ time. We measure where they are now and then we design the procurement roadmap they need to reach to their destination. Over the last 5 years, we have supported the development and structure of award winning procurement functions, with many references available here.

We are proud to collaborate with our customers, to engage and empower their resources, to be part of their procurement strategy design and to enable their sustainable growth by doing things right and doing the right things.

We would very much welcome the opportunity to discuss your Procurement Objectives further so feel free to contact for a quick initial discussion.

While the outcome of the process assessment will be a customised efficiency roadmap where targets can be tracked against the improvement of the procurement team’s engagement across the business, for example:


Arvo Procurement Dashboard image


Contact Us Today to discuss your Procurement Team’s Improvement Plans