As you have probably heard, global prices energy have increased drastically in the past 12 months, with a severe hike since summertime also. With the possibility of energy prices increasing by over 30% over a 2 year period, what can your organisation do to mitigate such a negative hike?

Arvo Smart Procurement and our Partners’ Smart Technologies are providing a range of solutions to help businesses reduce their Energy Costs such as;

1: Smart Procurement: Correct your MICs/Tariffs, Avail of Time of Use Tariffs, Group Buy to leverage scale or hedge your energy demands with flexible energy contracting to ensure you effectively lower your energy unit rates. Smarter Energy Procurement leads to instant cost savings, while proactive businesses will then invest the savings in Energy Efficient Equipment (as follows).

2: Smart Lighting: Installing light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures is the first step but technology has advanced so choose LED’s with built-in intelligence – occupancy sensors, daylight harvesting and scheduling to achieve savings of up to 90% on lighting. These solutions can be funded from your future savings, ensuring minimal-to-no CAPEX requirement

3: Smart Boilers: Most Hot Water boilers are not smart i.e. they are inefficient, unmaintained and expensive. However, intelligent retrofit boiler controls exist that optimise the efficiency of each individual boiler with guaranteed 10% savings available.

4: Smart Legislation: From SEAI’s Energy Auditing Scheme to the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS) to the Accelerated Capital Allowances scheme for Energy Efficient Equipment, many incentives exist to reduce your Energy Consumption. In addition to these incentives, opportunities exist to sell your reduced carbon credits to energy suppliers and obligated parties, which unearths additional funds for your Energy Conservation projects.

5: Smart Alternatives: With Bio, Solar, wind and water alternative Energy sources becoming readily available with appealing businesses models, there has never been a better time to start considering cost effective solutions such as Rented Energy, where savings in the region of 30-50% are the norm.

So what SMART Energy Solution interest you? We welcome any queries you may have with regards the above Energy efficient solutions and we look forward to reducing your Energy prices and usage in future.

While don’t just take our word for it – check out what our satisfied clients have to say: