Tag Archives: Brexit On Ireland

Brexit Information

Brexit Helpful Tools and Supports

With two years negotiation period since the 2016 Referendum and two further years expected with the transition period, there have been many helpful tools and supports developed to aid businesses navigate the Brexit quagmire. Many of these helpful tools and supports are available free-of-charge, more are highly subsidised or grant-aided while some paid solutions exist also.

As a starting point, Arvo have a range of Brexit specific tools, templates, reports and insights available online here. If you have any queries on these Arvo Tools, feel free to email [email protected] for a prompt response.

While Arvo are aware of many third-party tools and solutions also to support your Brexit risk management, with a selection outlined as follows

Description Website
Brexit SM Scorecard (Enterprise Ireland) A Starting Point to help businesses to begin preparing a strategy and ready their teams in terms of planning and shinning a spotlight on some of the key operational areas that may be exposed.https://prepareforbrexit.virtual-adviser.com/



Invest Northern Ireland’s assessment tool covers Business strategy, Operations, Innovation, Sales and Marketing, Finance, People and Management, Legal and regulatory. https://www.investni.com/get-ready-for-brexit/brexit-assessment-tool.html



Intertradeireland provide a quick guide to the potential WTO Tariffs that may be applied post-Brexit.https://intertradeireland.com/brexit/tariff-checker
  HMRC Trade Tariff: look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates https://www.gov.uk/trade-tariff



Toolkit / “Brexit: a guide for your business”
IBEC offers an Online Toolkit to help business preparation online. A Guide for your Business. https://www.accenture.com/ie-en/insight-brexit-guide-your-business



No Deal Brexit Plans /
Brexlist Brexit Checklist /
Brexsure Brexit /
Supply Chain Audit /
Brexit Directory
The Ready for Brexit platform is independent and objective. It aims to help businesses and organisations manage the challenges and opportunities that Brexit brings. https://readyforbrexit.co.uk
PS: Use ARVO190213 as a Discount Code




In addition to the above tools/systems, there is a plethora of information available online with downloadable Templates, Documents and Files from many organisations such as those listed below. Many of these organisations also provide Brexit financial supports, experts, grants and initiatives available to assist most businesses through this unprecedented economic event e.g.

Organisation Description Website



Enterprise Ireland Enterprise Ireland has a wide range of supports, including free Online Courses and Webinars, and fully-funded and partly-funded Consultancy engagements, to enable Irish businesses to take critical action and address their exposure to Brexit https://prepareforbrexit.com



Intertradeireland IntertradeIreland offers 2 Vouchers to provide financial support to help understanding Brexit, Online Courses to help SMEs to prepare for Brexit and beyond, also Tariff Checkers and Events that offer information and Topics about Brexit, advises and outcomes. https://intertradeireland.com/brexit/



Invest Northern Ireland Invest Northern Ireland offers an Online assessment tool, Regional Workshops a financial assistance in form of a Preparation Grant and a one-stop resource of best practice guides, information advice and support to help in preparing for Brexit on their Brexit website. https://www.investni.com/features/invest-northern-ireland-launches-get-ready-for-brexit-campaign.html



Bord Bia Bord Bia offer a Supply Chain Mentoring Program, to identify key challenges with clients supply chain and export markets. Regional Customs Training, which aims to provide practical training on the basic principle and requirements of customs, tariffs and non-EU trade. A Dublin Custom Training trains Clients in all aspects of customs and tariffs management. A Currency Risk Training prepares for buyer negotiations and new business arising from non-Eurozone market opportunities. Supply Chai Workshops are offered too.



Revenue Revenue offers helpful links and Videos on how to deal with the upcoming trade with non-EU Countries, Planning Details and Seminars that prepare and help with Brexit related issues. https://www.revenue.ie/en/customs-traders-and-agents/brexit/index.aspx



HMRC – Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs HMRC offers 2 grants to help with business to complete customs declaration in preparing for the Brexit. Training Grant and IT improvements are covered in those grants. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/grants-for-businesses-that-complete-customs-declarations



NSAI – National Standards Authority of Ireland NSAI offers several factsheets with useful information, downloads from previous Brexit Workshops. https://www.nsai.ie/brexit/



HSA – Health and Safety Authority HSA offers useful information and downloads for informational Sheets and publications about Brexit. https://www.hsa.ie/eng/Topics/Brexit/



SBCI – Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland SBCI in partnership with the Department of Business Enterprise and Innovation (DBEI) offers a Brexit Loan Scheme. The Loan can be used for future working capital requirements, or to fund innovation, change or adaption of the business to mitigate the impact of Brexit. https://sbci.gov.ie/schemes/brexit-loan-scheme



IBEC – Irish Business and Employers Confederation IBEC offers several very informative Guides on the topic of Brexit, Future of Ireland and the EU and the Technology of Ireland and the EU. Several Reports on Brexit and its Future. http://www.ibec.ie/brexit



Local Enterprise Office Local Enterprise Office offers a Currency Risk Management Booklet, a Customs Insight Course, the InterTradeIreland Start to Plan Voucher Scheme, the Brexit SME Scorecard Online Tool, A Brexit Loan Scheme, a Brexit Mentor Programme, the Enterprise Europe Network, Trading Online Voucher Schemes, Training and Management Development Courses, Microfinance Loan, Micro Lean, Co-Innovate Programme, Technical Assistance for Micro-Exporters. https://www.localenterprise.ie/Discover-Business-Supports/Brexit-Information



EU Commission
Information on Brexit
All Information regarding the Brexit on the Website of the European Union Commission.  



EU Commission 
Brexit Preparedness
The European Union Commission and its Brexit Preparedness Information Site. All Information regarding Brexit and regarding the EU Commission.  




Contact Us ([email protected]) or the agencies above to get support for your Strategic Sourcing Brexit risk

Brexit and your Supply Chain

As you know by now, European President Jean-Claude Juncker had a meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May last Friday morning to agree a historic deal defining the terms of Britain’s divorce from the EU. If all that was agreed on December 8th comes to pass, the UK has essentially committed to a soft Brexit.

Ireland has done well in Phase 1 of the Brexit negotiations, including preserving the Common Trade Area, protecting the Good Friday Agreement and, crucially, obtaining a guarantee that there will be no hard border. It is now for the European Council to decide today if sufficient progress has been made to allow the negotiations to proceed to Phase 2, which is a significant step forward in the process leading towards UK withdrawal from the EU in March 2019. It is expected that a transition period would last two years ensuring Britain will remain part of the customs union and single market (including being subject to EU law) until 2021.

Thereafter, the risks and unknowns for your business need to be carefully considered. Most proactive businesses have started to document Brexit assumptions within their Brexit action plans, supporting their planning and strategy work. Whether importing directly or indirectly from the UK, the impacts to your operating model, supplier base, cost base and working capital requirements needs to de analysed, to understand where the areas of greatest risk are (so as to develop suitable mitigating actions to reduce the impact of Brexit on your business).


Specifically focusing on your supply-base and imports, can you answer the following 5 questions to identify risks and resilience steps for your business?


  1. What suppliers will impact the business most if they cannot supply you tomorrow?


  1. Do you know what % of your goods and services are coming directly or indirectly from the UK?


  1. Have you researched alternative non-UK suppliers?


  1. Are there contracts, licenses or regulations restricting your global sourcing strategies?


  1. Are you aware of the potential additional costs to import from Europe in terms of hubbing, logistics partners, Minimum Order Quantities plus the impact on cash flow?


As Arvo have been participating in Enterprise Ireland’s Brexit Roadshows recently, let us know today how we can help build resilience into your supply chain for Brexit (& other Political, Economic & Technological events that may cause risks for your business in future).

Brexit & Your Supply Chain

Was 2016 Bizarre for you or is it the start of evolutionary times? With Leicester, Trump and Brexit, we can safely state that 2016 was turbulent, with similar excitement expected in 2017 due to Drones, Blockchain, IoT, French/German Elections, plus the true fallout from Brexit and Trump politics etc.

Focusing on Brexit for now and the potential impacts to your business, the people of Britain voted for a British exit, or Brexit, from the EU in a historic referendum on Thursday June 23 2016. This has resulted in 2 potential outcomes for the UK (with downwind impacts for Ireland);

1. Hard-Brexit

Essentially, it all boils down to trade – if the UK does not agree a deal that continues “tariff-free” trading with the EU single market, then it will be seen as having opted for a hard exit.

2. Soft Brexit

In direct contrast to a hard Brexit, a soft one would not involve giving up most of our current free trading arrangements when the UK leave the EU.

Unfortunately, it seems like a Hard Brexit is most likely while to-date the most visible outcome has been the volatile value of Sterling (with a noticeable ‘bounce’ since November)

So what can we expect?

1. The UK border agencies could charge import duties and also collect VAT on all imports.
2. The transfer of goods, services, people and data to/from the UK will likely become more complicated and costly – more of an inconvenience rather than a major barrier to trade
3. UK growth is expected to slow considerably in 2017, which will place increased pressure on the UK economy


As in all situations, this will impact some industries and businesses more than others. If you supply to, or import from, one or more of the following sectors, you can expect complications and change in your supply base from 2017;


As experts on the Lisbon Treaty (since we read it twice!), a country leaving the European Union has 2 years in which to negotiate a withdrawal agreement. This time-frame permits preparation in 2017 for the Brexit impacts of 2018, while businesses should invest in Procurement so as to;


1. Reduce your supply-chain risk if overly dependent on UK suppliers
2. Develop internal expertise to deal with customs, visas, tariffs, VAT, currencies etc.
3. Provide internal Category, Contract and Vendor Management expertise (3 investments which should be considered irrespective of Brexit)
4. Prepare for global sourcing events and opportunities
5. Provide Procurement Training, so as to invest in your buyers to improve their mindset, skillset and toolset


As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with your Brexit and Procurement queries.